Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Annual General Meeting @ Conference Room, Block B, South Wing [1st June 2012]

Goodbye 2nd Batch Central Committees, Welcome 3rd Batch Central Committees

Finally the anticipated day....The 2nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING !

Date: 1st June 2012
Time:  1.30pm
Venue: Conference Room, Block B, South Wing

It was a day filled with HAPPY TEARS. Everyone was moving around sharing happiness and enjoying their every moment for the introduction of NEW batch of central committees.

Before that, let's give a round of applause for the 2nd Batch Central Committees for their well done job in conducting their very last event before they stepped down......KUDOS 2nd Batch Central Committees!  
Registration counter showered with members queuing to " Sign In"

Enthusiastic members registering at the counter

The crowd that was present for the day to show their support =)
Our Guests of Honour
Our always bold and gorgeous President giving her first introduction speech
Mr. Chong Aik Lee, the Head of Accounting & Finance 
was there to give an opening speech as well.

Members listening attentively to the speech given

Acknowledgement to the Guests of Honour 

We have here with us the
 honorable 'Mother' of AFSA, Mr Jimmy Tam (AFSA Advisor)
The Supportive lecturer, Mr. Foo Fang Ee
The Forever Supportive Lecturer, Mr. Lim Fang Ching

 Mr. Chong Aik Lee, Head of Accounting and Finance

Report on Past Events

AFSA is very successful until now due to the our diligent and supportive Organizing Committees. They had strive for the best by sacrificing their precious time and putting in all their effort to organize every event. And now, all the sleepless night of hard work and effort had paid off. Once again, thank you. 
Our Fabulous Vice President, Ms. Crystal Ryu 
giving her report on the previous events organized so far.

SIDC 8 Modules 2011 Committees

PPD 2.0  Committees

AFSA Studio Crew Committees

AFSA Night 2011 Crews

Financial Board Game Committees

PPD 3.0 : Why Gold? Why Silver? Why Not Now Committees
Acknowledgement to 2nd batch Central Committees 
2011/2012 who taught AFSA to soar in the air...

Ms. Chong Woon Yee : AFSA President
Ms. Low Shuet Yee : AFSA Vice President
Ms. Ang Yi Chien : AFSA Secretary
Ms. Yeoh Soo Ping : AFSA Treasurer
Ms. Leo Jinyi : AFSA Publicity Chief
Mr. Chin Kah Fen : AFSA Publicity Assistant
Mr. Tiew Kee Yee : AFSA Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer
Mr. Hoo Wen Hao : AFSA Human Resource Chief 
Mr. Kwan Siew Hou : AFSA Human Resource Assistant
Ms. Yap Pui Theng : AFSA Human Resource Assistant

Ms. Caroline Zhang : AFSA Publicity Assistant

Awesome 2nd Batch Central Committees

Finally it's time to bid FAREWELL. They have done a wonderful and mind blowing job ever since they joined AFSA. They were very committed and the best people to set our mind as role models.
All the best in everything you pursue (^-^)

List of Office Bearers (2012-2013)

President                                                    Leo Jinyi
Vice President                                           Hoo Wen Hao
Treasurer                                                  Chin Kah Fen
Secretary                                                  Chong Shin Yin
Event Department Chief                          Chong Chin Mun
Event Department Assistant                    Serenna Wong Jeng Munn
                                                                   Phuah Kok Seng
Publicity Department Chief                      Christine Kuan Huei Ern
Publicity Department Assistant                Loshinee Devi Krishnanmuthy
                                                                    Shi Han
Public Relation Department Chief            Tiew Kee Yee
Public Relation Department Assistant      Kong Ai Ping
Human Resource Department Chief         Low Joe Hahn
Human Resource Department Assistant   Kueh Shi Ying

 Speech by New Batch of Central Committees

The new 3rd President of AFSA : Looking elegant and cuddly while giving her speech

The Fun and Excitement after AGM......

 Cam Whore Session STARTS !!!

The Charming and Ever Pretty Presidents and Vice Presidents of 3 Generation
3 Generation of Publicity Team

 3 Generation of Secretaries
Mr. Eric Founder of AFSA

It's Tea Time
Yeahyyy.....Refreshments provided
Lovely Ladies


Cute Little Joe Hahn, Crystal Ryu and Raymond Zai

Members walking to "Sign Out"

Crazy T-Shirt sale on Discount: Members were given 
special discount of RM 5 during AGM

AFSA = CC + OC + Members
Therefore, it is not just all about Central Committees and Organizing Committees. Members also plays a great role in it. The continuous support and encouragement given by members has always been our inspiration to do more and provide them with the best of the best. So, be anticipated to wait for our upcoming events organized for you! =)

Best Regards,
Loshinee Devi
Publicity Assistant