Wednesday, 28 March 2012

"Emerge We Fuse, Together We Rise" Unity Camp 2.0 -- Part 1

It’s been almost two weeks since the camp! Are you guys still MISSING the great moments with your team members, organizing committees and even those who once were strangers??
Do you want to have a glimpse of the memorable HIGHLIGHTS?
First of all, I would like to represent AFSA to say THANK YOU to our honorable platinum sponsor - ACCA Malaysia and gold sponsor – UPA as well as the UCSI University and Student Affairs Office who highly supported in our camp. All support and contribution have enabled the participants to have a better participating experience in Unity Camp 2.0!
A very BIG BIG round of applause to the Organizing Committees who are willing to sacrifice their time, effort, sweat and brain juice throughout these three months. Without their commitment and contribution, Unity Camp 2.0 would not be so exciting and fun.

Last but not least, to be thankful to our most appreciated participants. Thanks for your participation, support, eagerness and activeness! Your initiative to be part of our camp has enhanced your personal prospect.
Well… without further ado, let’s get ourselves back to the camp, back to 16th March, back to Pahang!! =D
Day 1
The day began with participants’ registration at the Block A Students’ Centre.

Official Camp Tee for participants! Mooooo~~

Following that, a fresh morning speech by Natalie, the Deputy Director of Unity Camp 2.0 welcoming all participants and explaining The Don’t and The Do.
Such a sweet girl, isn’t she?

Participants concentrating on listening to the rules and regulations
Hanging up the eye catching camp banner designed by the Design Team
A big group photo of 120 campers!

Departure:  Wow! Thanks for being so gentleman?

Mini Ice Breaking and story-telling time on the way to camp site.

Dancing? High Five?

Happy travelling! J

Upon reaching the resort, participants enjoy their lunch after a long trip. So hungry~

First agenda of the day started off at 2.30pm sharp, having the well-known Mr. Ang from ACCA for a sharing session on “Interview Essentials”.

Mock Interview session. Who are the lucky ones?
Dang dang ~!

Raymond can’t help his nervousness!

Mr.Ang for the fun and beneficial talk

A snapshot of our memorable session with Mr.Ang

Check-in time!
Room and bed to be slept on for 2 nights. Gotta grab the most comfy one! =)

Caught a guy in the Ladies!

James Bond, are you ready for MISSION IMPOSSIBLE?
See how you look like when blindfolded! 
Blind folded but still can pose? YEAH!

Each participant find their respective group facilitator using to their clue taken when blindfolded followed by completing a number of task with their newly formed group.
Can you guess the word they formed? AFSA! So creative and cute~

Solving puzzles

After dinner, the NIGHT activity PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT starts.

WOW, what are they doing? Praying? Dancing?
Sneaking out from camp? NO way! They are just completing their task.
Doing the action of “sweeping floor with hair” as one of their task.

Breaking the Ice among the group members.

Drawing on Fabric as group identity

Still remember your GROUP NAME, TEAM CHEER, FABRIC & even your ‘HEART’ as identity?




Last session… fashion show! WILD CATS in the house!


Extra Highlights!
Black Bull being punished to perform Chicken Dance

Who’s is this pretty in Unity Camp 2.0?
Stay Tuned for more exciting moments in Part 2!

Written by,
Ai Ping Kong
Organizing Chairperson
Unity Camp 2.0

* Edited by Jinyi Leo - AFSA Publicity Department


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